As a hospice volunteer I have been honoured to share the most intimate experiences of dying that have humbly altered how I interact with others and the world around me. Yes, indeed there is heartache when you feel the loss after accompanying someone through their final days of life but it can never surpass the joys and the gifts that endure long after."

"You could be a critical link between comfort and sanity. You could be the difference between feelings of rejection or belonging. You could be the one who keeps the glue from dissolving. And it's all because you are there. How could you not offer your time and your smile? Do it! You won't be sorry you did."

"As a volunteer, I've enjoyed wonderful visits and conversations with clients. Sometimes chitchat is the order of the day--a distraction from the disease. Being there as a non-family member has also lead to the sharing of worries and concerns. It is an honour to be there in those times for the client. It hurts to say goodbye. I've come to care deeply about those folks I've visisted, and know I've made a difference, albeit sometimes a small one, during a difficult time. That's good enough for me."

"Volunteering is very rewarding, meeting great people in need of support and loving kindness."